Leadership is a quality as well as a skill!

Communication skill is fundamental to leadership and listening is the beginning of communication!

Listening to comprehend the stated messages and perceiving the unstated helps leadership to offer best of responses.

Here listening and comprehension are leadership skills whereas perception is a personality trait!

Listening is directly related to empathy and perception is a function of personality namely perceiver’s experiences, attitudes, expectations, motives and interests.  All of these are leadership qualities or attributes though they are commonly referred to as leadership skills!  So, leadership development includes modification of leadership qualities.

In summary, leadership skills are always linked to some qualities of the person in discussion. Leadership skill programmes must therefore be a combination of training and development. They provide opportunities for self-discovery and action plans for self-development.


To know more about how The Yellow Spot can help you on your Leadership journey, Visit ‘https://www.theyellowspot.com’ for more info or reach out at info@theyellowspot.com / India: +91 99677 14310, +91 87792 84314


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