Being in the training industry for many years now, we can confidently say that more or less what employees ask for in each organisation is not very different. Work – life balance, Time management, Stress management, Conflict resolutions, etc. make it to the favourite playlist. However, though the issues may seem similar at the surface, the root of it may vary for each individual.
As an individual climbs up the corporate ladder, they find fewer people at their level that they can have close conversations with. This has brought the significance of Executive Coaching into the forefront.
Executive coaching focuses on helping individuals go from where they are, to where they want themselves and their company to be. Like what we see with sports. Having someone who will support, motivate and help you in holding yourself accountable for your failures can help you bring out the best in you. It is not any different in the case of business and leadership. It is the leaders who realise that if they change something within themselves, the greater organization benefits. And that’s why they opt for Executive Coaching.
Unlike training sessions, where a trainer introduces various modules that educate the participants, in executive coaching the client is equally involved in working out and applying solutions and in turn reviewing the results. In such an approach where a person is assisted in finding their own solutions rather than being taught, the learning and understanding is much deeper and sustainable.
5 Ways An Executive Coach Could Help You
Coaching can contribute to an individual’s satisfaction at work and at home. It could result in lower stress levels, less frustration, increased self-esteem and overall satisfaction with life. These are some ways in which executive coaching can help you:
Clarity in your thought process – decision making
A coach has the ability to listen deeply and ask questions. Such questions take your attention to the root of conflicts and chaos in your mind and helps you clear the ground for a clear understanding. This in turn enhances your ability to take the right decisions at the right time. And as decision making is a key aspect of an executive’s life, the quality of decisions you make determines the future of your life and business.
Better relationship with yourself and your team
The primary role of a coach is to help you see your blind spots, and thus make you have a deeper understanding of yourself. This helps you build a healthier relationship with yourself and your team, adding to the culture of your business too.
Courage to take the big leap
A good coach helps you achieve the courage and clarity required to face your fear and take the big leap against all odds. Now that’s something we can all do with!
Leverage your existing strengths
Having an effective and supportive coach can also help you see and leverage strengths that you already have but that you may be underestimating. This helps you unleash the hidden potential in you and take you to new heights.
Achieve your goal
A good coach can help you get clearer about your goals and dreams while supporting you in creating a route map to achieve them. He/she will hold you accountable and help you put in all the necessary effort required to reach them.
Working with an executive coach can be challenging at times. They tend to get you in touch with areas of yourself that you may be a little uncomfortable with. But if you’re committed to achieving your goal, there is hardly anything that can be more effective than executive coaching!