An interview is an important event for the Interviewer and the Interviewee and is a real test of both of their communication skills! In fact, communication skills training is a must have for success in interviews.
For the interviewee it’s about their career growth, salary, promotion, change in role, new culture, more challenges, change in boss, etc.
While for the interviewer it’s about the candidate’s experience, fitment to the role, capability of the candidate to perform, culture alignment, attitude and eventually the candidate’s role in achieving the goals of his organization.
One key skill required by both, the interviewer and interviewee, for a successful interview is communication skills.
So, let’s understand how communication skills contribute to a successful interview.
Communication Components
We all know that communication can be divided into:
External Communication
- Written
- Oral
- Body Language
Internal Communication
- Thoughts, Emotions and Images
Additionally, we also have Grooming and Hygiene as well as Etiquette. These communicate a number of things about us!
External Communication Skills
Written communication
Written communication skills come in handy during writing the job and role descriptions, creating job advertisements to attract the right candidates, designing interviewing questionnaires, sending e-mails to candidates, etc.
These documents should be clear and well defined and can include information like:
- Process and steps followed before, during and after the interview
- Role to be played by the hire
- Key responsibilities they will have to undertake
- Key result areas they are expected to deliver
- Required capabilities/competencies
- Assessments and Tests
- Expected Culture and Values fitment
- Challenges of the job
- Interdependencies
- Salary Bracket
- Response times
Similarly, for the interviewee, it’s about how well they can present themselves and their work experience on their resume along with other attached documents like the cover letter.
The most important aspect of a resume is how well it showcases the candidates work experience. And fake information can invite trouble, if not during the interview, then later when the person joins the firm!
Some points to keep in mind to create a good resume are:
- Avoid exceeding 2 pages in length
- Be clear and transparent
- Be to the point. Less is More!
- Refrain from bragging about yourself and your achievements
- Make it look good by having enough line spacing, a good font and font size
- Specify expectations
- Use simple language
- Avoid jargons
- Attach supporting documents
Oral Communication
Written communication helps in improving your oral communication skills. How? Because when you write something it usually aids in articulation and oral communication thereafter.
What you speak includes the use of language and voice skills. Like sentence formation, grammer, voice, volume, pace, pitch, pronunciations, accent, punctuation and the most important, tone. Tone reflects the underlying thoughts and emotions that the person is experiencing. Hence one can have an angry, sad, irritated, happy, joyous or confident tone.
Verbal communication hovers around three key verbal skills i.e. questioning, listening and speaking. When these 3 are applied appropriately to your language and voice skills, it makes communication effective during an interview.
Body Language
Another form of communication which plays a vital role during interviewing skills is the body language that is maintained by both sides. This includes the way you walk, stand, sit, tilt your neck, maintain eye contact with each other, lip movements, smile, hand movements, etc.
People unconsciously make a note of these and form perceptions about each other. E.g. Hands in pockets, constant fiddling with a pen or pencil, sitting slouch or with body away from each other, biting of lips constantly, staring or eye contact away from each other all create a certain perception and judgement towards the other person.
Internal Communication
Imagine what can happen if the interviewer comes in with a thought that the interviewee is not worth this job. Or that since he is the interviewer he is above the interviewee. What if he comes into the interview after having a brawl with his boss or colleague and is in an angry state of mind.
Same applies to the interviewee. Say if he reaches late and enters the interview room without calming his nerves. Also, how would one behave if the attitude of the interviewee is careless or negative towards the interviewer. What if he clearly wants the job just for money.
All these unseen factors which are in the form of thoughts, emotions and visuals we see internally show up in our body language – facial gestures, hand moments, posture, etc. in some or other way. It’s therefore important to realise these and centre ourselves before we go for an interview. Otherwise, they can impact the interviewer-interviewee interaction. After all, it’s not just about what one says. It’s about what one thinks, feels and behaves which makes the most impact.
And how do you change these? By simply being aware and using a bit of good old self talk!
Creating Great First Impressions
Etiquette is basically the dos and dont’s of a culture. Its about mannerisms and customs culminating in the form of behaviours which basically show your courtesy, care and humanness. They also create a strong first impression.
Some etiquette an interviewer can practice is:
- Being present in the interview 10 mins before time. Mentally and physically!
- Not making the interviewee wait too long
- Apologising in case there is any time delay
- Sharing the process, steps and time of the interview
- Offering water, tea/coffee/snacks
- Avoiding interruptions like receiving calls, etc.
- Accompanying the interviewee till the door and opening the same for them as they leave
- Ensuring they update the interviewee on the outcome of the interview within the promised time
Some etiquette the interviewee can maintain is:
- Reaching the venue 30 mins prior to the interview time
- Informing the assistant that you have arrived
- Entering the cabin of the interviewer with a knock and asking for permission
- Asking if you may have a seat
- Requesting if you need an additional paper or a pen, etc.
Grooming is all about hair, makeup, clothes and accessories. Both the sides need it and it speaks a lot about them as a person.
Some quick tips:
- Light coloured tops and dark bottoms always look good. Ensure the colour combination you chose suits your personality, body type and skin tone
- Well-groomed hair shows that you care about yourself. Have a good cut!
- Basic make up helps create professionalism for women. But remember not to overdo it!
- Investment in good quality ‘essential’ accessories always steal the show. Avoid fancy accessories as it may leads to the opposite person getting distracted and not focusing on the objective.
- Accessories like pen, napkin, writing pad, document holder, mobile phone, laptop, footwear, wallet, purses, shoes and sandals create a mark. Choose them carefully
Many a times everything goes well in an interview, however hygiene plays the spoil sport! We all know how the famous actor Rajkumar once rejected a director’s film as his hair was smelling all the time! In fact, there are many interviewers that have rejected candidates as their mouth was smelling of cigarette smoke!
So, let’s look at some hygiene tips:
- Nails, Hair and Beard to be clean and well-trimmed
- Oral Hygiene is important. Teeth clean ups and oral odour a lot of difference. It’s always great to invest in a natural mouth freshener!
- Avoid pungent foods, smokes, etc. before the interview
- Use good quality subtle perfumes to enhance your body fragrance
- Ensure your nose and ears are neat and clean
- Always wear fresh socks!
- Managing perspiration in tropical climates is important. If possible, travel by private transport to avoid perspiring
- Ensure your hands are washed and cleaned off any perspiration
- Always carry an extra pair of clothes during the rainy season
We’re sure you would have understood why you need to attend a communication skills training for interview success!