Time management training is so important nowadays. With multitasking being at its peak and 24 hours in a day falling short, it’s time to stop blaming time and instead start managing it!
Yes, it’s true isn’t it. Don’t most of us land up blaming time at times. We actually forget that time is a constant and the number of hours in a day don’t change! What changes is in fact the way we manage it. And that’s really where we need to and can put in the effort.
Companies have started realising the importance of corporate training. Not only are they training their junior employees on it, but they are also looking at training their managers on this skill. There now realise that managers need it all the more as they have to manage not only their own time but even that of all their subordinates. And that’s the reason why time management training is really picking up, not just in the lower rungs, but even at the mid level. Companies are now making it a point to include a module on time management training in every managerial skills training.
So considering that time management is so important, I am going to share with you 5 techniques that will help you manage your time better:
To-Do list
This is the most basic tool that everyone should make it a point to use. When the number of tasks we have to complete in a day is less, we can still manage without creating a list. But when tasks keep pouring in at different times of the day, a list is essential. And it can prevent us from missing out on the ones that didn’t manage to stick in our minds! not having a to do list all know what tasks we need to do but Most of the time, our day goes haywire because we do things as and when they come to us. By doing this, we miss out on lot of important tasks and waste our time on not so important ones. Having a list of activities that need to be done in the day right in front of you helps you do exactly the things that need to be done.
There are a lot of people who maintain a to do list but do not prioritize. They keep doing the tasks on their list one after the other and often miss out on completing the urgent or important ones first. Therefore, prioritisation is essential. It will tell you what you have to do and when you should be doing it. In short, it will create a plan for you to follow.
Eat the Frog
I know it sounds gross, but it’s extremely helpful. And don’t worry, you don’t have to actually eat a frog! Here, your frog represents the biggest, toughest and the most time-consuming task of the day. And eating the frog refers to doing this task the first thing in the day. Completing this task at the start of the day itself give you a sense of accomplishment and motivates you throughout the day. Hence, always remember to complete the most time-consuming task first.
Say ‘no’
Most of the time we are overloaded with work because we keep saying yes to anything and everything that people ask us to do. Even though we already have a lot on our plate, we end up adding more and more tasks because of your inability to say no to people. So start being assertive and see how it saves your time.
This is the most important tool. It helps you stay focussed in what you are doing rather than getting lost in past and future thoughts. In fact, the focus it creates actually helps you in completing a task really well in the first time itself. So you don’t need to waste time in redoing it!
A time management training can teach you various tools and techniques to manage your time effectively. But I would still say the power lies in your hands. And if you religious practise what they teach you, I’m sure you’ll be able to get a lot more done in those 24 hours!