Hello everyone! It’s been quite some time since I wrote anything for you guys. There was something that I observed in a recent assignment of ours that made me realise the importance of personality development training. So I thought I should share it with all of you too.
So in this assignment we had an opportunity to interact with the participants on a one-to-one basis. The participants were all front line people who deal with customers on a regular basis and are hence expected to be well-groomed and very well behaved at their job. After all, the employee is the Brand Ambassador of the organisation and can make or break it’s reputation, right?
What is Personality?
Most people misinterpret personality as just the physical appearance of a person, but that is far from the truth! In fact its the inner personality or should i say inner world of an individual that creates the real impact on other people. Physical appearance is just a part of it all. This inner world influences the way in which a person acts and interacts and that is what their real personality is all about.
That is why the front line or the people in the organisation who directly interact with customers or clients have to be up to the mark. They are the face of the organisation.This makes personality development training essential for them.

Personality development builds confidence
One can always develop his/her personality by introspecting, reading, noticing others, acquiring more knowledge or by taking formal personality development training.
Personality development training helps a person in practising techniques to look confident. Speaking smartly & dressing in style creates a good impression as it is a normal human tendency to judge a person by his/her looks first. Moreover, looking good makes the person himself feel more confident which in turn will make him look even more confident!
The overall outcomes of personality development training are the benefits that the participants get from it. A proper personality development procedure can make an amazingly positive change in his/her attitude.
Now coming back to my observation during our assignment. Here we interacted with around 12-15 participants on a one-to-one basis. I observed that although some of the participants really knew their job well, there was some serious work that was required to be done on their personality and their confidence levels.
That is when I realised how necessary it was for them to get personality development training on an urgent basis, customer service being such an important part of their job role. Although they had good experience and a lot of knowledge as far as their work was concerned, they had difficulty in sharing their experience with us as they were poor on confidence and communication skills.
What makes up Personality?
Genes, the environment and life experiences till mainly the age of 6 years is what plays a very important role in the formation of your personality. So does that mean that if you have inherited certain not so good traits, have had a bad environment or faced a bad childhood you are doomed? Is there some way by which you can still develop your personality in to a great one?
The truth is that ‘changing’ your personality is a difficult task. But one can always learn, practice and develop it. That is what many great personalities have done in the past and will continue doing. In fact its their ability to learn and consistently strive for the best that makes them great.
So its not just your physical appearance that you have to work on, although that is important to. You have to feel and look confident, talk smart, have a healthy body and adopt good habits. Get aware of the way you think, your attitude and your approach in general to things. As you will eventually become better as a person it will start reflecting in your personality. Then there’s really no looking back from there!
Do you wish to develop your personality and propel yourself to success? Then I suggest you opt for a personality development training for yourself or your employees. You will definitely be able to see the change.
At The Yellow Spot, we conduct Personality Development training that focuses on retraining your inner and outer world. It also helps in increasing personal and interpersonal effectiveness. This brings about the real change in an individual’s, team’s and organisation’s life.
If you look forward to us conducting a personality development training for you in your organisation, connect with us right away. You can visit us at https://theyellowspot.com/ or write to us at info@theyellowspot.info.