What is Technical Skills training?
Simply put, technical skills training is to improve our methodological & technological skills, i.e. the hard skills. Examples of technical skills are computer skills like MS Office, IT Hardware and software coding, machinery operating skills, process skills, etc.
Hard skills are usually learnt using our left brain; which is responsible for analytical, linear, mathematical and logical thinking. Most of the human development over the past few centuries has happened with enhanced left brain activities. This however does not mean that the right brain; the one responsible for abstract thinking, creativity and emotional intelligence; does not play a role in the process. It’s just that hard skills involve more of left brain activity.
What is the purpose of technical skills training?
When individuals join an organisation, they typically undergo specific technical skills trainings on product, process, systems, etc. These programs help them in doing their job effectively and more efficiently.
The purpose of the technical skills training programs is to ensure that the individual gets skilled in them and is able to operate and utilize the learned skills to do his job well.
With time, he is expected to master the skills and get more precise and accurate within the shortest time possible. This may be measured with time and motion studies.
Hence the purpose of technical skills trainings is skilling, reskilling, upgrading, enhancing and hence growing.
Why are regular technical skills training programs and refreshers important?
Unlearning and Relearning
A human being’s learning process usually moves from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence. During this journey, humans form patterns and habits which help them in becoming more and more efficient as they practice the same thing again and again.
The Driving Example
Consider when you thought of learning how to drive. Initially you were at a stage of unconscious incompetence, meaning that you did not know how good or bad you would be at driving. Well that’s kind of obvious considering the fact that you had never given it a shot before! You then gave it a try and understood which bits you were bad at. After some practice you started becoming good but you had to be very alert at all times. And then with more practice, you became a master. That’s when you moved to unconscious competence. You know the stage where you can drive, talk and listen to music all at the same time. The stage where you can afford to be unconscious as the entire process has become automated in you!
With time, what happens with this learning process is, that the human being creates his own understanding and way of operating and applying the learning. He uses his own experience and perception to complete tasks. However, this way may not be the best way and may give him a ‘reduced’ outcome. The gap between the correct way of doing something and the way he is currently doing it hence has to be bridged. Else it may hinder output.
Refresher technical skills training programs help reducing this gap. They help the individual unlearn and relearn the right ways of his completing tasks. Hence doing them at regular intervals is essential. After all, the human recall percentage of learning’s is always very low when trainings are one-time events and not regular measured interventions. So if the gap between technical skills training programs are too much, the learning’s are lost. That’s where regular and refresher programs help to upkeep the knowhow.
Complex Learnings
The other aspect of imparting regular technical skills training is where the process is complex and subject to long detailed tasks and processes as well. Here precision and knowledge is critical and the person needs refreshers to be able to maintain the same. For example, flying a plane. You have to be accurate and up to date as the task is critical and complex too!
Change in Technology
A third aspect of imparting regular technical skills trainings or refreshers is that every day there are changes happening in the world. These include changes in information and technology, products, processes and systems. By the time a technology or machinery is up and running, someone in some part of the world invents a technology and the current one gets obsolete. You remember how fast your mobile phone went obsolete!
For an organization or an individual to grow and sustain, they have to keep in touch with the latest knowledge, skills and abilities. Regular technical skills trainings and refreshers help maintain this growth and relevancy well.
Imagine driving your car using manual gears when the whole world has automated cars that run on artificial intelligence! Hence technical skills training is crucial for updating ourselves and keeping abreast with the latest trends in the world in our respective fields.
Although we are primarily a soft and behavioural skills organisation, we understand the value technical skills training can bring to an organisation. Hence we do partner with some basic technical skills trainings institutes. So let’s together explore how we can help you do your job the best way!