Clients often confuse managerial skills training and leadership skills training. They tell us that they want leadership skills training when actually what most of them are looking for is managerial skills training. So, when we get such am enquiry, our first task is to figure out which one they actually want!
I was actually wondering why this happens sometime back. And I realised that it was because there are some skills which are common to both. There are some skills that managers and leaders both need to master. And in fact, if one can master these skills at the managerial stage itself, they are already on the path to be a great leader. Inquisitive to know what these are? Well, let me tell you…
- Self-Leadership – Now do not get confused. Although this is a term, we use typically in leadership skills trainings, it is also a skill that is essential for every manager. It basically means that the manager should be able to lead himself and his own life. This means pretty much everything from setting his own life goals to managing his thoughts, emotions and self-talk. Which points to being emotionally intelligent and having great internal communication. And you know what happens once he manages his inner world? These qualities automatically manifest on the outside. So, it becomes easy for him to set and manage the goals of his team members. And he can also help them manage their emotions and communication having mastered his own. He now becomes a beacon of positivity and an inspiration for all. And aren’t all of these qualities that would make an exceptional leader?
- Problem Solving and Decision Making – This world is full of problems that are waiting to be solved and decisions to be made. And there is no exception for both, managers and leaders. While a manager may need to solve problems and take decisions at the level of his team, a leader needs to do it for his business vertical or the entire organisation. So, mastering this skill at an early stage can really give a manager a head-start on his leadership journey.
And you know the best part? If the manager has mastered self-leadership, problem solving and decision making automatically becomes easy for him. Why? Because it gives him a clear mind which can analyse a problem holistically, get to the root cause of the problem and take a decision keeping all factors in mind. So, I would pretty much rate Self-Leadership as my number one managerial and leadership skill. What do you think?