Management Development Programs primarily focus on skills development training. Most of them, however, fail to bring out desired results. Why? Let’s find out.
Needs of a good Management Development Program
Understanding the organizational climate forms the base of every program. One needs a thorough understanding about the current situation in the organization. A detailed analysis of the current culture can happen through:
- Sensing
- Systemic understanding of the organizations functioning
- Interviews
- Surveys
- Group discussions
- Detailed analysis and observation of the business and various departments
This preparatory work helps in determining if the existing gaps can be plugged by corporate training programs alone. Or if other interventions have to be looked upon.
Usually, training as a standalone solution is not that effective. Yet, training programs and interventions are used as scape goats for passing the buck many a times. Which becomes the biggest reason why training interventions fail miserably!
Also what happens, is that many internal and external consultants decide the pill before doing the diagnostic. They feel that the tools they know and have learnt are the best approaches for the given problem. Likewise, this usually leads to disaster.
What may be required is a thorough fact finding. And after that, brainstorming to understand the long term sustainable changes that can be implemented along with training interventions.
Post Training Requirements
The transfer climate is a strong supportive environment that needs to be created once a training intervention is completed. It helps the participants practice the learning’s when they go back to their workplace.
A suitable transfer climate needs to be provided by the HR, top management and the participants’ bosses. Without this, the training program can become ineffective. In fact most successful training interventions typically have a strong buy in and involvement of the HR and the business.
Another aspect required is action planning with regular follow up. Action Learning Project reviews along with the required individual or group coaching can also be conducted.
Follow up on action plans by the HR and the Business Heads/Managers is very important. It ensures that there is seriousness in applying the learning post the training program. It also helps participants in retaining the learning and reproducing it for further action as and when required.
Sustaining Learning
Learning tends to loose its essence if not repeated. And participants forget what they learnt as time progresses. The role of refreshers therefore becomes important. This is one reason why one-off managerial skills development programs never bring desired long term results. Measured systemic development which helps bring desired change over a period of time is required. Therefore when an organization focuses on quick fixes and overnight change, the results are usually poor and fruitless.
At The Yellow Spot, we strongly believe in involving various stakeholders into our interventions. Not only the participants; but their seniors, customers, peers and support functions should also be involved. After all, they are the people who facilitate change by providing the required transfer climate. Hence the focus of any management development program or managerial skills training should not be limited to only participants.
To get the most out of your Management Development Programs, come visit us at The Yellow Spot