Today, our topic of discussion is Presentation Skills Training. This is another very important skill besides communication skills, which is a must these days.
What are Presentation Skills
When you meet someone, the first impression that you create on the person depends on the way you present yourself to them. That is one of the major factors that creates a perception about you in their mind. That’s the reason why creating a positive impression in the first instance is very important. Like they say, the first impression is pretty much the last impression! This is why honing your presentation skills is so important.
Now the way we present ourselves in various instances is one aspect of Presentation Skills. Another aspect of Presentation Skills is how we present ourselves and what we have to present during a presentation.
Giving Presentations
I’m sure you must have noticed how giving presentations can be a very big deal for some people. On the other hand, its not that big for others. Did you know that the fear of public speaking is one of the topmost fears that practically every individual possesses. So you’re really not the only one that gets freaked out when they have to present before an audience! In fact the well known Bollywood actor Mr. Amitabh Bacchan admits to still feeling nervous whilst on the stage even after having reached the stardom that he has!

Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bacchan still suffers from stage fright
So what if you have been able to calm your nerves and are not fearful of presenting in front of an audience? Do you still need Presentation Skills Training? Well not being nervous isn’t the only thing that’s required to make a great presentation is it. There are many more ingredients that need to be added in the right proportion to churn out an amazing presentation.
In fact there many do’s and dont’s that need to be understood carefully. Learning these and implementing them in the right way can give you the presentation skills you need and bestow success on you like you had never imagined!
Improving your Presentation Skills
So are you ready to turn your presentation skills completely around?
Let’s begin by me asking you some questions. Well you know me, I always start every change process with awareness as the first step!
So here goes..
Do you ever face challenges in giving a presentation? Which areas do you lack in? Are you able to say what you have to with confidence? Are you able to put your message across clearly? How does your audience receive your presentations? Do they listen with equal vigour till the end?
Presentation Skills Training
Presentation skills training is booming big time. Why, because the number of presentations that we have to make to our varies stakeholders is ever on the rise. So whether its a client, a co-worker, our boss or the management committee, presentations are becoming a part and parcel of everyday life.
Now, presentation skills training is not just about the PowerPoint presentations that we often think it to be. Its also about the way you present yourself in front of others.
Talking about PowerPoint Presentations, let me tell you about a time when I was pursuing my MBA. Just like other MBA students, I also had lots of presentations to be given during our course and I used to be very excited about them.
I still remember eagerly awaiting the presentations of one of my classmates. I always noticed the level of confidence he used to display while giving his presentations. It was always well-prepared, to-the-point, with loads of examples and crystal clear concepts. His presentations were always very impactful and everyone could understand with minimal effort what he was trying to say. In fact, not just during presentations but also during my regular interactions with him I noticed how he made it a point to be impressively presentable! He was really strong on his presentations skills, I must say.
Communication skills play a very important role in developing your presentation skills. They go hand in hand. But what is more important is, the Confidence. Confidence is the first and foremost and most essential criteria for good presentation skills. In fact if this important criterion is not ticked off, it’s high time you realize that you need to opt for a good presentation skills training at the earliest!

Effective Presentation Skills
The Importance of Presentation Skills Training
Many organisations today look forward to developing their employees on presentation skills. They have understood its importance and have rated it as one of the top skills on their list. They understand that being presentable at the workplace, at official events, in a meeting, during a discussion with a client, etc. is essential.
Trust me if you are a good presenter, you will always get first preference. It is also beneficial when it comes to your career. Being a good presenter, you are more likely to climb the corporate ladder faster. Presentation skills will thus help in every aspect of life.
If you are one of those organisations who are looking at conducting presentation skills training for your people, get in touch with us right away. Our presentation skills training will help you take your employees to the next level by being more presentable in every aspect of the word!
Also take a look at our list of soft skills training. Do visit our website www.theyellowspot.com and connect with us at info@theyellowspot.info to explore how we can help you.
Happy Presenting!