Hello everyone. How are you doing? Have been going through some news events lately and i thought it would be best to discuss the future of Soft Skills Training in Mumbai with all of you. So let’s begin…
Did I hear you asking what are Soft Skills? Well let me explain…
A computer or a laptop is made up of two parts, the hardware and the software. The hardware has the CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard drive, integrated circuits, capacitors, resistors, etc. while the software has the operating system along with the programs and applications.
In order for the computer to work, it is essential that the hardware and software work in tandem with each other and communicate well. So while the software sends signals to the hardware and tells it how a command or instruction is to be executed, the hardware executes it. Without either of the two, the computer cannot operate.

Computer parts communicating
Similarly a human being also has two sets of skills. One is hard skills which are the more tangible and quantifiable skills like operating a machine or typing on a computer, while the other are soft skills. Soft skills are the less tangible and less quantifiable skills like imbibing a positive attitude in one’s self, which usually gets noticed in the form of behaviour and actions.
While Organizations regularly equip their employees with hard skills, they increasingly require more and more people with enhanced soft skills and behavioural skills to make better use of their hard skills.
The world is currently moving from an industrial age to an artificial intelligence age. Frankly, the pace at which the change is happening is rapid and unimaginable! I was just reading yesterday that very soon we are going to be replacing humans with robots in almost every sphere. So we won’t need drivers to drive our automated cars, we won’t need maids to clean our robot-friendly houses and most skilled jobs would now be done by robots. Just imagine what’s going to happen in the future!
This means that the hard skills learnt in the past as well as those one is learning in the present may not be useful in the future. These will get obsolete in a very short span of time. In fact by the time you learn a new skill it might just get obsolete and will be replaced by another skill or should i say by a robot displaying that skill!
In such an era, it is very natural to feel lost with the fast pace of the world. As the world gets more and more digitised, the need for learning hard skills is reducing and employees specialising in certain hard skills may soon be obsolete.
The only way to sustain will be to be agile and enhance your soft and behavioral skills to enable you to have the right approach towards this fast changing world. More and more soft skills and interpersonal skills will be required as they will play a key role in managing the self and being able to cope up with the rapid changes around us.
Wondering which soft skills you need to equip yourself with to shield you in the future?
Some of the top required soft skills of the future are Emotional Intelligence, Imbibing Positive Attitude, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Managing Self and Managing Others, Managing Conflicts, Personal and Servant Leadership, Effective Delegation, Assertiveness, Negotiation Skills, Working with diverse people and Leading and Managing Change.
Wondering how? Let’s look at an example. Let’s see how Emotional Intelligence plays a huge role in managing the self as well as in interpersonal relations:
- At the first level, it helps create self awareness about how one feels and hence throws light on our thought processes also
- Second level helps an individual understand how he or she behaves as a result of how he or she feels
- At the third level, the individual learns about how others respond to them based on their behaviours
- In the fourth level, the individual learns to manage his emotions and thoughts as a result of his emotional awareness
- At the fifth level, the individual learns to understand others’ emotions and their behaviours and deals with them as well as his own emotions getting generated out of his interpersonal interactions

Emotional Intelligence
Such skills play a very important role in the growth and success of an individual as well as of a team and eventually of an organization. It helps them manage the self, manage others, establish long lasting and meaningful relationships, resolve conflicts, negotiate win-win and grow and lead a rich life.
The current century with its perils and challenges needs an individual to learn and practice Emotional Intelligence to succeed in everything he or she does. Emotional Intelligence can be learned and the learning journey starts with getting awareness, accepting and then taking action. Over a period of time with rigorous practice and awareness an individual can reach the 5th level of Emotional Intelligence.
Just like Emotional Intelligence Training, The Yellow Spot specializes in offering Soft Skills Training in Mumbai and other cities. It also specializes in Coaching solutions, Leadership Development programs, Organizational Effectiveness solutions and E-Learning solutions for its clients across India. To learn more about our Soft Skills Training in Mumbai nd how we can equip you to face the future, do visit us at https://theyellowspot.com/