We got an inquiry for executive coaching the other day. It was for someone in a leadership position in a pretty large MNC. It frankly made me feel very happy. Times were finally changing. Employees were now getting up and actually telling their employers that they need help. And that too even when they had reached such high levels in their careers! Now that’s definitely a huge positive and a large leap towards success😊
People in India have always been apprehensive when it comes to asking for help. Its sort of like we feel even lower on self esteem if we own up that we need help. Still, I don’t blame them. I know how difficult it is myself, even though I urge others to do it! I am just hopeful that we can all gather enough courage to do it someday. Why? Because that’s a sign that we are willing to put our fears aside and actually move towards creating a change in our lives. And that’s exactly what executive coaching has the power to do. It can completely transform you. But that’s only if you ask for help!
So how can executive coaching help?
Executive coaching can do different things for different people. It depends what goals setting for your self at the start of it. And of course, on the effort and time you are willing to put into it. If you do put these in, it can do wonders for you on the professional as well as the personal front. After all, we are the same person in both places, aren’t we?
- Self Esteem and Attitude – Executive Coaching requires you to take a deep dive into yourself. While identifying your strengths, it also helps you get in touch with your darker side. And when you start exploring this ‘rejected’ side of yourself, things start changing. You start accepting yourself and others. Situations become manageable and your entire outlook towards life starts changing. You become a more positive person and one that is willing to face every challenge that life offers.
- Relationships – All of us are dying to feel accepted. And when a person comes along who does that, we enjoy being in their company. Executive coaching makes you more accepting of others. You become open to their views even if they are different from yours. A win-win is what you start looking at. You start respecting others for what they are and can easily get back to them even after being on different pages! This builds great relationships, one’s that are strong and can last a lifetime.
- Skills – Although executive coaching doesn’t directly work on improving skills sets, it can improve the soft skills by having a direct influence on our attitude and confidence levels. For example, it can help us in being better negotiators where the opposite person knows we will always work towards the good of both the parties. It can also improve our delegation skills. It lets us help ourselves and our subordinates grow, while becoming more accepting of the mistakes that they and we may make on the way. Such changes in our skill levels in turn improve the quality of our professional relations.
Thus, you can see how executive coaching can be like a magic wand. It can help you help yourself in practically every area of your life. So, what are you waiting for?