We have been into leadership skills development since quite some time now. And have been very successful in conducting such corporate training programs for the leaders of various organisations. One major reason for our success, is the fact that we are a corporate training company that enjoys teaching leaders new and different kinds of methodologies. And that’s what sets our corporate training programs apart.
For every organisation, leadership skills development is very serious work, right? But aren’t our leaders also humans just like us! Don’t they also follow the adult learning pedagogy?
Adult Learning Pedagogy
I know, I know. You’re probably wondering what adult learning pedagogy is. Well, just take it as learning by experience. And that’s something we all enjoy, isn’t it? We would rather learn by going through an experience and then reflecting on it, than being taught some complex theories that we can hardly associate with!
And that’s exactly what we follow in our leadership skills development programs too. Apart from teaching the leaders some of the typical leadership skills development theories, we also provide them with some interesting tools and techniques. These take them through experiences and add to their development in various ways.
One such tool is visualisation. It’s a very powerful tool that has benefitted many leaders.
Majorly, this tool is used for attracting what we want in life. So, if a leader spends time everyday visualising being successful, he increases his probability of achieving success. You see, visualisation works on the very popular ‘law of attraction.’ So, what you ask for, you get.
For increasing this probability further, we ask our leaders to also create action plans. So, once they have visualised what they want, they need to chart out a plan of action as to how they are going to reach there too. And this is followed up with checking their progress and clearing hurdles that may come in the way. Clearing hurdles is again a task that visualisation can help with. So, the process is a combination of visualisation and action, which takes the leaders to success.
Visualisation also helps in processing past stored emotions. When we visualise a particular incident of the past that still has some unwanted emotional charge on it, we actually start processing it by feeling it. This helps us letting go of the emotion and we can move forward, feeling happy and light. Thus, visualisation is a great tool that can help leader’s clear biases and improve their interpersonal relationships. It can also help them feel more positive when they are feeling down the dumps!
If you want to experience the power of visualisation and learn how to use this powerful tool, we recommend attending our corporate training programs. And we promise to teach you this valuable tool even if you are yet to become a leader😊