Every organization is born out of a vision. Some may envision being global leaders in their respective products or services, while others may have a more philanthropic bent. Whichever the case, organizations always aim to reach out to the maximum number of people to help them in some way or the other. And its none other than sales training programs that can help them do just that!
I got a very interesting call today. It was from a company that connects US based organizations with Indian service providers. They had called me to explain how The Yellow Spot could also join their platform and be a provider for soft skills training, sales training programs, leadership training program, etc. for companies in the US.
I found the concept quite intriguing and logged in to their website to see the types of industries they cater to. And I was pleasantly surprised to find a wide variety. Right from NGO’s to schools to manufacturing companies. They were all there and were happy with the services they had been receiving.
And that’s when a thought suddenly flashed into my mind. Frankly it’s great to have the support of such a platform to fulfil your goals. However, there’s only a specific amount the platform can help you. It can only introduce you to the customer. After that, its up to you to take it forward. And if you ask me, that’s where sales training programs really fit in. If you have a great product or service but are unable to sell it well to your prospective client, you really won’t be successful.
And there are brands that work the other way too. They may not have such great products, but their sales people are just amazing. As we say in India, they can sell a comb to even a bald man! Not that I’m advocating having a low-quality product or service, its just that even that goes to a side when you have great selling skills. And with a great sales team which regularly attends sales training programs and keeps sharpening their skills, expanding your business and fulfilling your goals is really not a difficult task. What say?