There’s no doubt that training helps in developing people which eventually helps in business growth. But what do you think of team building training? Does it foster business growth?
I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m asking you this question. When I already said trainings contribute to business growth, why am I re-asking my question for team building trainings?
That’s because, many a time team building training is considered as an outing or a form of recreation for employees taken offsite. In fact, we get a lot of such enquiries where organisations want to conduct team building trainings as a part of their team outings for fun. They actually insist on keeping the debriefs minimal. And hence sometimes team building trainings are not taken very seriously and may be considered as simply a way to have fun.
What Team Building Training actually is
I personally feel that team building trainings are the most important one’s for business growth. This is the time when the whole team is together and away from work. They can therefore focus on bonding with each other and build those bonds that will help them back at work.
Yes, fun definitely is a big motive of team building trainings. Fun is what keeps the atmosphere light and creates a space where people enjoy mingling and getting to know each other better. And when they know each other better and bond better, a very different level of trust is created. This results in working together more efficiently, and eventually more productivity and business growth.
How? Because when you trust your team members, you are more open to each other in your ways and thought processes. This reduces conflict big time and you actually enjoy working together. And that’s when you become more productive and an overall happier team.
Team building training provides a platform where teams and team members can get aware of how they operate in and as a team. They can then work on becoming a better team to achieve better results.
So I’m sure you now know why I feel team building trainings should be given highest priority! They do after all serve multiple purposes like effective communication skills, learning, awareness, development, growth, business results, efficient teams, well bonded and motivated teams, better workplace environment and most importantly, fun! Team building training is truly a buffet!