Well that’s one of those topics that’s been a life-long debate! And I know what you’re thinking. Corporate training programs are important for development, aren’t they? They are a must. If people don’t develop, how will the organisation develop and move forward? So, it’s most definitely an investment; as people with better capabilities will provide better results. True. But there are some organisations that think otherwise.
Varying Viewpoints
The fact is that there are a lot of varying opinions about corporate training programs. And it varies from one organisation to another. For some organisations, learning and development is their top-most priority. They understand the need to develop the human capability if the organisation wishes to go to the next level. And this, they very well understand, is extremely difficult if the workforce doesn’t keep upgrading their skills and capabilities.
On the other hand, there are organisations for whom corporate trainings programs are not a priority. For them it is more for an expense that needs to be done in order to keep up with company and governmental policies as well as tax saving! We commonly call such corporate training programs as ‘tick mark training programs!’ I know it sounds absurd, but that’s the reality. Not all organisations take corporate training programs seriously as for some of them its just a tick mark on their list of things to be done!
On the other hand, there are also certain organisations who go one step ahead. They feel that corporate training workshops are a complete waste of time and believe that people can learn whatever is required on the job! And frankly not sure if they really do believe that. It could be just a cover up for not wanting to spend on conducting corporate training programs. And they could probably just be considered in the lot that considers them an expense.
If you personally ask me, it definitely is an investment. Getting a return may take time, especially where personal effectiveness and human behaviour needs to be changed. But it’s worth it. Besides, learning never goes waste. It can and will be used in some way or the other. And it’s one of the things that will always give positive outcomes. What do you think?