We all know the disruption the Covid-19 pandemic has created for humans and businesses. And although some businesses like daily groceries, pharma, medical & safety equipment and chemicals have flourished; most have taken a big dip in their sales. And that’s why we are talking about an extremely important topic today. Sales training.
The way sales is done has changed drastically during this pandemic. Earlier, it was based on ‘in person’ interactions. However, that has changed completely. It’s now all online and managed virtually. And unfortunately, many sales professionals who excelled previously, are now struggling to do sales online.
Why? Because adding a personal touch and establishing trust can get rather difficult through an online platform. But are both extremely important factors that must be mastered by every ‘online’ sales professional.
So, how do we build the same trust? How do we get the same rate of success we used to get when we used to meet prospects personally? And how do we establish strong rapport and give the best post sales service?
The answer lies in the below points:
Be available to the client through various online modes. Ensure that your internet and phone connections are seamless.
Be Proactive
Send your company presentation in advance along with your contact details and designation.
Take Appointments
Ensure you take a prior appointment as everyone is even busier. And remember to stick to it!
Face to Face Interaction
A video call is always preferable over a voice as it helps in establishing rapport and building trust. Use past success stories in your conversations.
No Pushing
Do not push the sale. Be polite and empathetic even if client does not end up buying. Times are tough and not everyone can really afford to buy!
Sell by Need
Offer the sale only when you and client are convinced that they need your product or service. Also share relevant references of earlier clients.
Turn to Virtual
If possible do all paperwork online. Accept scanned copies of essential documents as far as possible.
Internal Co-ordination
Learn to co-ordination well with your internal teams over online platforms. Clients expect quick turnaround times even if you are all working from home.
Be Realistic
Give realistic timelines and promises. Don’t promise the world and then not live up to your promise.
Receiving payments on time has become an issue nowadays. If possible ask for advance payments.
After Sales
Stay in touch even after the sale is complete. It shows you care.
While many of these points are relevant otherwise also, their importance has gone up manifold in the current scenario. And that’s why sales training has become extremely important. Learn these and many more tricks of online sales. And be a king of both world’s!