What’s your take on Email Etiquette training? Do you think it’s important? How about me giving you some insights on it and then you can tell me whether you feel its important or not. Alright?
Written Communication
Some of us prefer using written communication over having a face to face or a telephonic conversation with a person. All my introvert friends, am I right? Well I’m pretty much the same so I can totally relate! However, what we don’t realise is that often we need to follow up on our written communication with either a phone call or a personal visit. Why, because written communication is not that easy. It is actually more difficult than the other forms of communication and can often lead to incomplete communication which later needs to be completed.
However, written communication is a more formal form of communication and is hence being used so widely in organisations nowadays. It provides a solid proof of what has been communicated which is good for us most of the time but can make our lives difficult when we land up making mistakes in our emails. So while oral communication may allow you to make a few mistakes here and there which you can cover up later, mistakes in written communication can create grave problems.
E-Mail Writing
The Email is one form of written communication that is used on a regular basis in businesses across various levels. Almost all the communication within and outside the organisation is conveyed over emails. Emails provide a quick way of transmitting information across the levels in the organisation and also between various organisations.
Keeping in mind the significance and extent of Email usage in business transactions nowadays, Email Etiquette has emerged as one of the skills that every employee needs to develop. It is for this reason that the need for Email etiquette training is on an all time high and is growing in leaps and bounds.
Poorly written emails, emails with mistakes or emails lacking professionalism can give a bad impression to the recipient about you and your organisation. One can also get into big problems because of emails being misinterpreted!

The emerging need for Email Etiquette Training
E-Mail Examples:
Let me give you an example of a bad Email to make my point clearer:
Hi Ms. ABC,
We are the No. 1 Corporate training company in Mumbai. And we are looking for some sales people in our organisation. Send us your resume and you will get back to you sometime soon.
Would you ever choose to work for such an organisation? I assume not! This email definitely sounds rude and is completely unprofessional.
Now, let me give you an example of how this email should have been written, i.e. a good email:
Dear Ms. ABC,
Greetings from PQR!
I represent PQR, a Corporate Training Company based out of Mumbai. We are currently looking for Sales Professionals who can help us strengthen our Business Development efforts and reach out to a larger audience.
We came across your resume on RST and found your profile suitable for the same.
In case you would want to take up this opportunity, we request you to come down to our office on 25th July, 2017 at 11am for a initial round of discussion with our Head HR, Mr. EFG.
Please make a note our office address: _________________________________
Feel free to revert back with any queries.
Warm Regards,
What do you think of this Email? Liked it? That is what creates the difference. The second Email is more polite, professional and complete. It has clearly been written with the recipient in mind and has tried to answer all the questions that the recipient may ask to avoid emails being sent to and fro.
Did you know that a single email is enough to create an impression on its recipient? Therefore one has to be very careful about the content and formatting of the email. There are various things that have to be kept in mind while writing an email like the words being used, the length of the email, people marked in the mail, email forwarding, levels of professionalism, attachments, the subject line and many other things.
Sound complex? Well it’s not actually, provided you undergo a good Email Etiquette Training!
So coming back to my question, is Email Etiquette Training important? Am sure this article would have given you a good enough perspective for you to easily answer that question now!
Just like other forms of Business Etiquette Training, Email Etiquette Training has also become mandatory in the corporate world. If you feel that you need assistance in getting a better hold on writing great Emails, then now is the right time. Please request your organisation to train you on email writing right away, for this is on of those stepping stones that could take you ahead or could keep you from growing.
Companies have started realizing the important of training their employees on Email etiquette and are also investing big time in it just like they do for other forms of business etiquette training.
We at The Yellow Spot realise this growing need and provide Email Etiquette Training to our clients. Our Email etiquette training helps people in developing their email writing skills to a great extent and covers a large number of aspects, some of which we exhibited in the examples and discussion above.
If you are looking at training your people on email writing, do visit our website at https://theyellowspot.com/ to know more about us and our offerings. Feel free to connect with us for any Corporate Training and Consulting related queries. See you soon:)