A stand-alone goal setting workshop is not something that companies typically invest in. And most of the times, it’s a small part of a Personal Effectiveness workshop or a Time Management session. Very few organisations actually understand the importance of aligning their employees’ goals to those of the organisation. And hence conducting goal setting workshops independently is not something that is a trend yet.
What’s your opinion on this? Do you think an individual goal setting workshop should be conducted for employees? Do you think it helps them in their development? Does it help them in their career path in any way?
Well, if you ask me, I think corporate training is extremely important. And having a focussed goal setting workshop will definitely help people in understanding how to set goals appropriately. We all know that most of the time people have goals, but unfortunately most of them never get actualised! The goal just stays as a dream in our minds and never really sees the light of the day. And why does this happen? Because of incorrect goal setting.
Setting goals correctly is a crucial task. If you don’t set proper goals or if you don’t set your goals properly, the probability of you achieving them will be minimal. In fact, you might even land up feeling directionless as there’s no focus towards anything. Goals provide you with a destination and a goal setting exercise, a map for your journey to reach that destination.
A lot of employees are unclear of what their personal and professional goals are. And if you ask me, it’s to do with two things. One is that they don’t actually pull out the time to sit and think of where they want to go in life. And another is, that they often feel lost when it comes to chalking out how they are going to fulfil their goals. In the bargain, many of them just move through their lives without a destination in mind. And that’s when they loose motivation and eventually fall back when it comes to progressing in life. After all, when you haven’t found that thing that you really feel passionate about and have not put in time on that, life is going to feel like a drab. And that’s definitely going to affect your career map.
Also, just setting your goals and making a roadmap is not enough. How often have you heard of people who have a goal in mind and set out to achieve it with full motivation, only to give it up in some time? Yes, we all promise to lose weight at the start of the year and even religiously exercise for a few days. But we unfortunately lose the zing somewhere along the way and fall back to our old habits. And that’s when we really need help. We need someone to help us identify why we do that and how we can fix that. And once we remove our internal resistance, we can go marching on the road to success.
So if you want your employees to be clear on their goals, on how to reach them and on removing the roadblocks that they may face on the way there, a goal setting workshop is what you need. And guaranteed, your employees will thank you for that!