Are you are planning to become a completely customer centric organisation? Then customer orientation training is something that should be on your priority list. Why customer orientation training? Let’s discuss that.
For any business to exist it needs to have potential customers. Your company should be able to fulfil certain needs and meet certain wants of these potential customers. If there are no customers that will use the products that your company produces or the service that your company provides, does running a business even makes sense?
So yes, your customers are the most important aspect of your business and they should be pampered. Now when I say customers, I mean both internal and external customers. You’re internal customers are equally important as your external customers and should be pampered equally!
Taking care of your internal Customer and providing the best quality products/services to your external customers that help in making their lives better is what customer centricity is all about. If you do this correctly you shall reap its benefits for sure.
How do you make your organisation a customer centric organisation?
Make everything about the customers
All your processes, right from taking people on board to their termination decisions should be in alignment with your customers. Your people should understand the value of your customers. Remember, I’m talking about the internal and external customers.
Customer Satisfaction as a Value
Make sure you include customer satisfaction in your organisation values. Ensure that everybody is well aware of it and are working towards that value.
Involve everyone
Not only your sales and service department is responsible for customer satisfaction. Everyone is equally responsible for it. Make them feel a part of it whether they are in operations or in Human Resources!
Appreciate people for customer satisfaction
As I said before, in order to keep your external customers happy you need to keep your internal customers happy and vice versa. Appreciate your people and you will with a guarantee have more satisfied customers as a result of it.
Create a customer centric culture
By doing all the above 4 things and some more, you’ll be able to foster a customer centric culture in your organisation. Keep your customer as the No. 1 priority.
It’s not easy to drive a culture that is customer focussed throughout. It needs periodic reviews of your current practices and a robust plan to reach where you want to reach in terms of your customer satisfaction. But don’t fret; customer orientation training can help you drive that.
Customer orientation training is a full proof solution to make your people take customer centricity in to consideration before taking any decisions. Making customer satisfaction as one of your organisational values will start the show for you. Facilitating a customer orientation training will help you take that forward.
So, as an answer to my very first question – if you are planning to become a customer centric organisation, sign up your employees for a customer orientation training right away. What are you waiting for?