When on organisation is in a cost cutting phase, the first departments to face the axe are human resource and learning & development. They are unfortunately considered as the biggest cost centres and are therefore cut down first.
Very few organisations actually understand that they are not cost centres. They are in fact investments. And cutting down on learning and development is therefore a big mistake that they are making.
The Importance of Training
Having a skilled and upgraded workforce is more important in times of recession than any other time. Hence, developing your workforce is of utmost importance during these times. And that’s why stopping training altogether is not the best solution. The measure should instead be to cut down training delivery costs. And it’s important that organisations partner with corporate training companies in Hyderabad and other cities that will assist them in doing the same.
The Yellow Spot is currently one of the top corporate training companies in Hyderabad and other metro cities. We, at The Yellow Spot understand our customer’s needs well and strive to partner with them to fulfil the same. We are well aware that having to cut down on training costs is not something that any organisation would want. However, when the times get tough, many of them are left with no option. And that’s when we step in and help them fulfil not just their training objectives but their cost objectives too!
And that’s exactly what we have done with some of our clients. We have successfully provided them a more economical alternative to classroom training. What’s that? Well, trainings over the web!
Yes, online training. No, we are not talking about e-learning here. We’re talking about instructor led online training. This uses a mix of human interaction and technology, providing a more holistic approach and better training experience to participants.
And how is this beneficial to organisations? Well, as the topic of this article suggests, it reduces cost. No requirements like venue, food, travel, stay, etc. And yet you use the power of ‘human touch’ to make the sessions more interactive and valuable. Now isn’t that the best cost saving?